


We have been developing the concept of the project for the last couple of years. For a long time, we have been analysing the available scanning methods in detail, considering different technologies for performing the required work. We repeatedly reviewed the technological methodology and conducted a large number of test works to improve the approach. Ultimately, we were able to create our own method to implement our concept. We also decided to present the results of the project in free access, which is not a typical practice for this industry.

Digitalisation of society affects the means and prism of information perception. The intensification of the use of digital technologies in the spheres of culture and art is not exception. It is advisable to distinguish the implementation of digital technologies on three levels: digitisation, digitalisation and digital transformation.

Covering the first level our team's project focuses on the second level of the implementation of digital technology in the cultural sphere, at the same time serving as a step towards further digital transformation in the sphere of interaction with cultural and historical heritage. We also hope that our project will be a positive addition to this transformation process.

The goal of the project was to create a product that will serve not only as a digital museum exhibit, but as an enhanced holistic experience. Our technological solution for the implementation of the project allows consumers to familiarise themselves with those elements of the cultural monument that are inaccessible due to physical limitations. For example hard-to-reach parts of the church are displayed with the possibility of their close inspection, while a context for a holistic perception is provided as well. Also the features of the monument are displayed from a new viewing angle, which is possible only with the use of creative digital technologies.

The object of the project itself, Horiany Rotunda, has an incredibly interesting history. This church has come a long way. From the actual family chapel, which was also created as a reminder of the native land back in the 13th century, it turned into a modern church under the Greek Catholic denomination, which is actually one of the oldest functioning churches in Ukraine.

During the last decade, interest for Horiany Rotunda has significantly increased among tourists and local residents, as well as among specialised specialists (scientists, art critics, historians, architects), and not only domestic ones. The actualisation of the preservation of cultural and architectural in particular sacred heritage is important for every country therefore there is a need to contextualise one's own heritage and involve it in the cultural and historical space at the level of the region as well as at the level of the country and the world.

We believe that our project will also have a positive impact on the country's international image. One of the levels of international interaction is the level of culture and art. There is a reason that culture and art are considered means of soft power in the field of international cooperation. This communication can carry much deeper and more enduring messages. Culture can integrate many relationships with other spheres of activity, and serve as a powerful component of promoting the country's uniqueness and importance. A comprehensive digital presentation of Horiany Rotunda will serve not only as a good example of the use of modern technologies in the cultural sphere within Ukraine highlighting the landmark both within the region and within the country, but will also serve as a cultural bridge for deepening ties between Ukraine and other countries .



Ivan Ilko

Project director. 3D-designer

D.Arts Student, Master of Arts in Visual Game and Media Design, Master in Architecture


Leonid Ilko

Project manager. Communication manager

Master of Social Sciences degree in the field of Management of Creative Business Processes, Master in Marketing



Mykhailo Pryimych

Scientific consultant. Text author

Doctor of Art Criticism, Associate professor, Acting rector of Transcarpathian Academy of Arts


Mykhailo Syrokhman

Translation author

Art Critic, Associate professor of Transcarpathian Academy of Arts



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mob: +380 (96) 762 29 19
